Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Monday, August 28, 2006

Qian li zhi wai- Jay Chou and Fei Yu Qing

Whao.. In a few hours time I will be starting work..

Anyway had a great gathering these 2 days..

First, I finally visited my sis shop at bugis street..

Then I met up with rubber and Kel to shop for SM gift [Green Addidas bag]..

Then we went to that darn attitude fish and co at Wheelock which has improved their services tremendously after our last visit.. [The food is great too]

Then we celebrated SM birthday at PS..

Tried Manhattan and it was quite an economic meal..

Then we watched the Devil wears prada.. [It really reflects working life]

After that I joined SK and her friends at AMK to have dinner..

Porridge cum tom yam cum chicken steamboat.. [NICE]

I am going to miss you SK..

All the best to you at Thailand and take care..

Happy Birthday Jack..

Song intro: Qian li zhi wai- Jay Chou and Fei Yu Qing


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