Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Chasing cars- Snow Patrol

I have been stressing myself at work, I guess..
Kind of paranoid.. [Gosh please end this soon..]
I miss everyone and hope that tomorrow night will be a fun one..

Started watching my Bump Off Lover..
Little eerie show plus mysterious and thrilling..
After watching the first 2 episodes, I skipped [again] to watch the ending first before I continue..
Dont want to be affected by the show ma.. [HAHA]

I thought of putting up photos to decorate my desk.. [Good idea right?]
I was told to do something to myself but you know I know lar..
I saw someone whom I dont want to see at that time..
I was pierced by a not deadly knife again..
[What do I mean to you?]

Song intro: Chasing cars- Snow Patrol


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