Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Monday, November 13, 2006

Mei ren yu- Vivian Hsu

School starts as we all gathered back to the classrooms with familiar faces..
The feeling of the two and a half months of IPP was never there..
It was as if it happened a minute ago..
And I was late even though I cabbed down..
Whats more, I forget my login password to access the computers in school..
I have tried whatever possible passwords, but to no avail..
And I failed to actually concentrate in lessons..
So I must do the tutorials..

Yesterday was revamping my study room..
Now it is super neat and tidy..
I discarded more than 5 bags of the stuff that I treasure in the past..
Inclusive of my Idol stuff, posters etc..
I have grown up.. [Okay I still keep a few as remembrance]
And I still keep the gifts that I received from Primary school till now..
Quite a number that I did not use at all..
Still wrapped nicely though some I cannot remember who actually gave them and for what reason..
And look at what I have done..

neat right? hehe

See my Yuan Yuan, and the gifts I got from BF?

this is my most satisfied creation.. cool right? hehe.. got the inspiration from Princess Hours show.. Hang the photo like what tai zi did in the show.. haha..
the 8R photo taken on my bday this year (19th), the certificate I got on my 17th bday and the calender i got on my 18th bday..

Praying hard that I can get a job and also shoo shoo my sneezy attacks..

Song intro: Mei ren yu- Vivian Hsu


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