Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Promiscuous Girl - Nelly Furtado

You resemblance the hurricane I encountered a few years back..
When you thunder, I shake, the surroundings shake more..
When you storm, the surroundings shake, I shake more..
When you give warmth, I fear you more..
Fear the thunder and storm will worsen when you raged, and quake the surroundings more..
I care less, I have the faith of striving on, staying firm and overcoming my fear..
I care more, the surroundings quake, and others suffer..
Dearest, shelter the surroundings with your warmth but not your quake..

Winners hate to lose..
They are more afraid of losing to losers..
Dear winners, nobody is perfect in this world..
A slight defeat will bring you to greater heights..
Learn to enjoy the process but not only the results..
Learn to respect your competitors even if they are losers..

Song intro: Promiscuous Girl - Nelly Furtado


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