Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Qin qin- Liang Jing Ru

Step Up..
Nice storyline (expected though)..
But the dance moves are cool..

Well I am sabo-ed to be the module rep..
At that moment, I was thinking who kana her module rep surely very suay..
And as usual, my cursing always reflect on myself.. [Haha]
Never mind.. Hope I will not screw up anything lar..

And finally I saw SK in school..
Miss her so much..
My darling is back too..

This Saturday I am going to try my luck at Kumon..
I will must handle both work and studies well this semester..
But bad news is, our exams will be right after CNY.. [Stupid, 5 examinable somemore]

Think about this..
What happens if you realize the memory you kept is actually not what you think it is?
Chimology right? [Haha]
Let them be then..
I am happy and I think I am blessed.. [Despite the sudden hiccups of life]

Song intro: Qin qin- Liang Jing Ru


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