Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Start of something new- High school musical

Okay today I witness a thrilling race.
It was Initial D- Black Volvo vs. Tokyo Drift- Yellow Sports Car.
A passenger in Tokyo Drift spit, triggered the rage of Initial D.
Tokyo Drift drifted from lanes to lanes preventing Initial D to overtake.
Initial D successfully overtakes Tokyo Drift and widens the distance between them.
Tokyo Drift fall far behind, Initial D loosen up his spirits.
Passengers in Initial D cheered while one freaked out.
Tokyo Drift suddenly turned into Initial Ds lane, putting it to an abrupt halt.
Passengers in Initial D fly and screamed.
Passengers in Tokyo Drift burst into laughter.
Tokyo Drift drove slowly, well planned.
Initial D planned more, but failed.
Tokyo Drift won the race.

Anyway, thanks Joseph for sending my home.

You see a box.
You are curious what is inside.
You take the risk to open the box.
But it is exactly opposite to what you expect.
Once again, your curiosity destroyed you.

You happily invented a game and wanted to enjoy yourself.
Your friend passed by and joined the game.
Another friend passed by and joined.
And a few followed by.
All of you are too engrossed.
After that, you realized you destroyed the surroundings while playing the game.
Your unintentional playfulness harms the others.

Sometimes I think I am full of crap.
Sometimes I think I am stupid.
Sometimes I think I am an idiot.
But at times, I feel like I am on the top of the world.
Sometimes I hate being a peace lover.
Sometimes I hate balancing.
Sometimes I hate being a libra-ian.
But at times, I benefit from all those mentioned.

Song intro: Start of something new- High school musical


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