Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Stick with you- Pussycat Dolls

sat.. new year's eve.. woke up early and prepare to work.. sianz.. reach orchard then thought that i remember the wrong time to report to work.. lolx.. i sort of remember is 11am.. anyway in the end i did not go for work.. went back home dressed up and went out with sm, kel, sj, cy and char to town.. first time see kel angry.. lolx.. then we shopped and went to Wheelock's Fish & Co for dinner.. food a bit oily for me.. service extremely bad.. took lots of pics.. but no group pics.. sob.. chilled to wait for time to pass.. cold.. tired.. brought them to blue stars but they don't like it.. went to esplanade.. tons of people.. saw dage.. fireworks damn beautiful.. sleepy and went back home.. reach home at 1plus..

sun.. wake up prepare to work.. i did not remember the wrong time actually lolx.. sort of late for work at Paragon.. still blur.. felt lost cos i know nuts about classical, jazz and so on.. the customers that come in seldom ask about the music genres i know.. work for awhile they ask me go Centrepoint's outlet to work cos they short of staff.. i prefer to work at Centrepoint.. people there more friendly.. basically the job was simple and a little slacky.. but just that you have to stand for the whole day.. 11am to 10pm.. very tired.. went home slept at 1am..

mon.. woke up early in the morning go market buy the stuffs for steamboat at night.. extremely sleepy but excited and happy.. mad came early.. prepared for steamboat.. watched ice princess and herbie.. a lot like love not nice.. then joseph came at 6plus.. followed by qiang, lia and von.. we started eating first cos we were hungry while waiting for kenny and jack to arrive.. when the both of them arrive.. we have finished the first round of eating.. haha.. then after dinner they were so nice to help me clear up.. jack and kenny attempt to mop the floor.. kenny spoiled my mop.. lolx.. lia, mad and qiang wash the dishes.. von help me clear table.. slacked then started mahjong session.. von went home early.. jack big winner.. jo lost quite a lot.. then i helped jo to play.. but i slow and not pro.. lolx.. then my dad came to help, won a bit.. but then i felt stupid cos i wasn't the one playing at all.. played till 4am.. everyone sleepy and shag.. cleared.. slept at 5am..

tues.. woke up at around 8am.. sleepy while standing and walking in school.. supervisor gave last minute assignment again.. do the latest SBM website.. what the.. 200 web pages.. to be handed up on thursday.. feel like slapping him.. i'm damn sleepy la.. helped kenny write a song till 12midnight.. shag..

wed.. woke up at 8am again.. went to Orion with kenny and mad.. lots of people there to support SK.. YEAH!! but she went of tune at the back.. was so worried for her.. but i think she did a good job though she not in good condition.. kenny damn bad la.. haha.. you know i know.. and not letting us down, SK got 2nd.. she got a 100bucks HMV voucher.. she helped me fulfiled my dream.. touched.. star appearance by leon from PSS.. he sang forever love.. not bad la.. but then the PA system at TFA sucks.. after school went to town with kenny and mad.. craving for marche hotdog.. but went to food republic for prata instead.. then kenny went to keyboard.. mad and me went to PS to watch Wallace and Gromit.. damn funny show.. though i'm REALLY VERY SLEEPY!! slept all the way in mrt..

thurs.. i still woke up at 8am.. lolx.. i still don't have enough sleep.. rushed for mr fuan's last minute assignment again.. peck chek.. no breakfast.. damn hungry.. OT in school.. damn shag and sleepy now.. this blog still under construction.. especially the pics at the side..

Song intro: Stick with you- PussyCat Dolls


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