Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ting ma ma de hua- Jay chou

Met SM, SJ and LP to buy Kel Bday gift..
Had dinner at Food Republic..
We ordered Satay, Carrot cake, Char mee, Prata, Har Kau, Beef noodles [Of cos I never eat] and shared.. [Should have taken a picture of the table of food but we were too hungry that time]
And we bought a polo shirt for him from Topman..

Happy Birthday 19th Kel..

Made our way to Holland V for dinner.. [Kel, SM, SJ, CY and Char]
Proceeded to Wala Wala..
I had the best pasta ever.. [The thought of it just make me drool]
Unfortunately, my bad memory just cannot recall what is the name of the pasta..
After dinner we bought a complimentary liquor each to the second level..
We had some pictures taken and gobble down a plate of fries while waiting patiently for the late live band to start.. [But the band was not bad lar]
Kel, CY and I had Chivas Regal 12 years [my favorite]..
SJ had Bloody Mary [which taste like a mixture of tomato and carrot] and SM had Brown cow [Milky and sweet]
We made a dedication for Kel and slipped it in the traditional serviette to the live band [sweet right?]..
During the break, we ordered a bottle of Heineken, a cup of pure Macallan [Scotch Whisky] and one with a mixture..
If there is more people next time, I am going to teach them our BF classic game..
Then on our way back on NR1, we gave him a cake..

Now I am at my grandma house again..
Back to work tomorrow..

Song intro: Ting ma ma de hua- Jay Chou


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