Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Friday, August 25, 2006

Shi jie wei yi de ni- Cao Ge

Exams over?
Maybe not for me, but just hope that miracles will somehow happen..

It was a high and noisy 2 days 1 night chalet..
[BF girls, JQK + Yi, KM and Joseph]
It started of with a late dinner when all of us ate like hungry ghosts..
Then we started the classic bing bang boom..
This time round was extremely high and noisy..
Everyone was like shouting all over..
And tons of jokes were made, at least one each from the people present..
Then Kenny came with a surprise for Jack birthday celebration..
Then we continued with games and also more forfeits..
And I finally achieved what I want on Kenny.. [3 CHEERS!!]
Though it only seems like a mild one compared to mine but I am not that overboard la..

Okay shopping and maybe k later..

Sometimes it is about trust and honesty.. THE END..

Song intro: Shi jie wei yi de ni- Cao Ge


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