Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Zhu guang wan chan- Cao Ge

Happy Birthday SM.. [My best pal]
Okay the shopping last night was a little crap..
But I got my SHE 8th album- Once upon a time
And I dropped by at my workplace for awhile..
Things changed, thats all I have to say..
Then it was k at Yishun PartyWorld with the usual Lia, Kenny and Jack..
Went for supper after that and I met this drunk taxi driver..
[Was suppose to walk home but..]
His cab is filled with alcohol smell and he is talking crap..

Anyways, I got into Bnp Paibas- French Bank for my IPP..
Going to start work on Monday with Lia, Qiang, Gurseet, Kristy and Grace..
Our pay and work will be as much so not going to elaborate any further..
And my dear BF gang, MUST MEET UP HOR!! [haha]

I am going to save up for my birthday party and new digital camera perhaps..

Song intro: Zhu guang wan chan- Cao Ge


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