Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Ni wo shi sha gua- Stay [Princess Hours OST]

Just finish watching Princess Hours..
Recommend all of you to watch that..

Been battling at work with Lia..
Trying to clear off whatever we have..
And at the same time munching non stop.. [Oops]

Had dinner with Lia and Gel once at PS..
Watched The Guardian with Mad at cwp one night..
[Very inspiriting and touching movie..]

Got to know some things which I am kept in the dark..
One made me understand some people and situations better..
The other actually made me real happy..

Lets talk about the happy one..
I had the best birthday not only because of the gifts, the surprises, the people and the experience..
Because of the thoughts and actions that counts..
Though there is quite a few plans which did not carry on as planned..
[Like the video taking of the superstars, the group photo, the song bla bla]
But by even listening to what you guys thought of and tried, I feel that I am blessed by all your warmth and love..
And I got to know that I have a lot of friends that dote me and love me..

Just like my colleagues from Gramophone..
Went out to meet them last night to celebrate Mandy birthday..
And it turns out to be another surprise for me..
A belated celebration for both of us..
And I got my gift and a super cute short video from them..
And as usual, they gave me the support, care and concern like I am their little baby sister..
Anyway we went bowling and my skills kind of fluctuate..
And it is kind of funny..
I always get to bowl 4 times instead of 2 because the sensor cannot sense my ball coming..
And my ball is always rolling straight and slowly in the centre.. [Not all the times though]

Anyway I have decided to get a pair of Birkenstock with the girls..
Time to pamper myself for once..
Madrid Cashmere Red [wonder what is its life span with me.. haha]

And also I am going to send my resume to Kumon and work as a part time..

One last week before I go back to casual wear..
You will see me in jeans almost every other day.. [COOL]

Song intro: Ni wo shi sha gua- Stay [Princess Hours OST]


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