Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Wu hui de tian lan- Howl (Princess Hours OST)

IPP is over..
Had two free lunches from Kest and Karen..
A bouquet of sunflower from Karen..
A photo album, card and black bracelet from Kim Ling..
Chocolates from Wai Peng and Frank..
And I think I am the most panicky staff there..
Though I did not manage to help Kim Ling clear all the jobs (despite the few OTs I have had), but at least I battled till the last minute for her..
Gonna miss the people there and also the pay.. [HAHAHA]
Back to school, our final semester..

No news from any part time jobs..
And my money kept going out instead of in..
I developed the photos and manage to squeeze them all into an album..
And I wasted more money today cause I am too bored..
I went to town alone and visited Gramophone..
Stayed there for a few hours chatting, looking at new releases, listening to music..
Then proceed to Kinokuniya to read books.. [Seriously, I miss Chinese novels]
How boring life can be without any commitments..

And yesterday, the last day of IPP, FINALLY!!
Our BJP anniversary.. [HAHA.. SHE had their gathering too, separately]
Chilled at TCC and then photo taking amongst the four different colors of star Christmas tree outside PS..

A promise, our next BJP outing will be at Billy Bombers..


Song intro: Wu hui de tian lan- Howl (Princess Hours OST)


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