Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Kiss Goodbye- Lee Hom

sun.. work.. my tiredness continue.. eyes closing.. legs aching.. plus headache.. sianz.. at work i meet all types of interesting customers..

- A little boy who smells every single cd..
- An ang moh girl who tries to speak mandarin to me
- A guy who keeps on talking to himself and walks back and fro like 'tiao dang'..
- A little boy who sings to the latest pop music very loudly with the headphones on..

mon.. school.. was very late cos i was trying to find my camera adaptor.. was panicking cos without it my camera will be useless.. luckily it's in km.. haha.. redo the SBM website again.. shall continue tomorrow.. frustrated and extremely worn out.. movie with mad at Yishun GV.. In her shoes.. draggy but touching.. shall watch Memoirs on wed.. haha.. well mum says I'm wasting my pocket money on movies.. lately I've really spent a lot.. think the spending still can't stop.. tomorrow going for lunch with Mr. Fuan and SK.. it's an invitation from Fuan.. em.. don't feel like going but do I have a choice.. Not that I hate him.. but just that ever since I step into km I have never stopped working.. I'm really really really tired.. till I want to break down already.. I've never been that tired before.. simply dead beat.. haiz.. just got the news that my guides got GOLD again this year.. cool.. i seriously need some exercise.. think i've 'grown'.. haha..

Top Guys on my list.. haha..
1: Takki Hideaki
2: Ryu Shi Won

3: Jay Chou
4: Edison Chen
5: Zheng Yuan Chang

Song intro: Kiss Goodbye- Lee Hom


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