Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Gou gou shou- Guo mei mei

fri.. finally felt like a km student.. lolx.. watch 2 shows today at km.. interrogated by the tep admin... lolx.. haha.. i'm a blur part time admin.. after sch me mad and von shopping in town.. hehe..

sat, sun.. work.. extremely enthu.. just like the people there.. mandy, brandon, rong, fidi, lina.. haha.. they are fun and nice.. though it's tiring to stand all day.. anyway i got a lot of free gifts.. lolx..

mon, tues.. doc.. k at home.. cold storage to buy whisky.. stood there for quite some time.. couldn't find any staff there to help.. luckily km came to the rescue.. then went to tampanies to meet ling.. go kenny's house.. everyone reach liao.. shocked.. cos tons of ppl there.. lolx.. bing bang boom, in between.. lots of interesting things happened.. lolx.. you know i know.. slept till 11am.. listen to mp3 while waiting for gel, mad and kenny to wake up.. then eat, watch, chill.. girls went to bugis shop.. had dinner.. first time go shopping with gel.. haha..

Song intro: Gou gou shou- Guo Mei MEi


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