Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Friday, August 18, 2006

Ai neng bu neng bu bian- Mi xue wei qi

Okay a quick update..
Dont want to lose the momentum that I picked up at Kenny house..
Well the two days one night group study was considered beneficial for me..
At least I sat there and did some intense mugging for a couple of hours..
And with the help of Angel and Kenny, I solved a few cmfi doubts..
Plus, with Mad notes, I save some time summarizing what I need to know..
The second day- feast..
Angel spaghetti and Kenny seafood soup..
But I think it is more of mushroom soup.. [HAHA]
Anyway, it was great..
Then the Disney Monopoly game- I got second.. [Cool man]
But I kept on landing on the deadly 101 Dalmatians house as usual..
[I am going to buy that next time]
3 days more..

Song intro: Ai neng bu neng bu bian- Mi xue wei qi


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