Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Xing fu de di tu- Gong Shi Jia

Seriously, I need sleep..
Another round of sleeping like at 4am for 2 days..
It is darn tiring..

This National Day was rather boring.. [Happy Birthday Singapore]
Went to my grandma house for BBQ..
And need to rush out projects..
And because of that I had to turn down SM they all for movie..

If things did not turn out this way, I will be busy training my girls for NDP during this period..

The CRM presentation was rather disappointing..
After lessons, SHE JK and I headed to J8 for sushi buffet..
But my weak stomach today aint working..
Probably because of the BBQ the night before..
But the gathering was very relaxing, far away from our tense reality..
Our final and major presentation will be held this Saturday..
After that it will be mugging and more mugging..
And for me, it will be more INTENSE MUGGING..

Okay off to write my script for tomorrow trial ED day..

Song intro: Xing fu de di tu- Gong Shi Jia


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