Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hidden Track- My Chemical Romance

Okay.. I don’t quite remember what actually happened the past week..
I went out shopping with mad..

On Thursday, we celebrated Angel’s birthday..
It started off having dinner with her, Lia and Mad in Yishun..
Then we sat under a block near Lia’s house..
Started playing the flip-the-card game..
Then we blindfolded her and made her listen to the mp3..
Kenny the fake cab driver came to fetch us to partyworld..
And tadang.. SURPRISE!!
Birthday song, cake and the presence of JQK, Von, Yixiang and jojo..
And we made her cry because she thought the presents we gave are CATS..
[Photos uploaded plus Kenny’s pictures also]
Then it was the singing competition that we have planned..
After that, you know I know lar.. Shall not elaborate..
I got coned by the stupid Indian cab driver..

Yesterday, Lia and I took MC..
And I got cheated and paid 32bucks.. [WTH]
Then met my cousin and her friends to queue for SHE autograph session at IMM..
From around 2pm till 8 plus.. [And I got what I want with Ella actually waving at us.. HAHA.. And also something interesting.. hehe]
Looking forward to tomorrow’s Ge You Hui at Tampines which my cousin won..
Their concert will be held next year, January..
150bucks.. I need to find work..
Two very cute videos on Jay Chou.. ENJOY!!

Song intro: Hidden Track- My Chemical Romance


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