Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Monday, September 25, 2006

You give me wings- Hady

The 5 week of IPP.. [6 more weeks to go]

Saturday night..
I finally took the courage to went back..
[I was more of persuaded back]
As I expected, not many recognized me..
I was trying to find opportunities to speak to her in private..
It was pretty obvious that she was avoiding me..
I knew I, or we, have let her down..
My passion and enthusiasm is still there after these 7 years.. [I knew not many will believe me, but it is true]
But that very night, when I witness my third cohort of girls leave..
I knew I had to finally let it go..

Then the following day, I became a tuition teacher..
Anyway hope that they will all get over with this..

Singapore Idol.. Hady won..

Lots of people troubling..
Sometimes I wonder if I have done enough..

Song intro: You give me wings- Hady


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