Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Friday, September 22, 2006

Yu ren- Sun Yan Zi

Well I miss going out..
Okay went out once this week to Party world at orchard..
The usual Ken, Jack, Lia, me and dage came along..
But like I say after every k session, its always not enough for me.. [HAHA]
I took a video when the guys sang Xu Zhi An “Wo hai neng ai shui”..
[Anyone interested to see? HAHA]
Anyway, I miss my camera..

Back to work on Wednesday, I had to OT till 8pm..
Well my supervisor kept chasing me home, but I think I had the responsibility though I am darn sick of my job already..

Thursday, lia and I were totally broke..
So we decided to have a budget lunch at the pantry..

Cup noodles plus peanut canned food..
And Qiang called us for lunch at the wrong day..
He had no choice but to join us eating budget stuff.. [HAHA]

Anyway, what does this looks like to you? [Lia is going to kill me HAHA]

Anyway, tomorrow is my girls POP and ROD..
Though I am not invited [quite sad though]..
I feel like going.. Should I?

Song intro: Yu ren- Sun Yan Zi


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