Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Xing xing zhi huo-SHE

fri.. sch.. project.. night at China Black.. Qamarul's 21st Birthday party.. happy birthday.. only kenny, boon, jo and me from BF13 turned up.. the others couldn't make it.. at first i thought it will be quite boring since none of my sisters went.. but then with my brothers plus ariel, merl, nana, huien, sheena, ameer, jinyong, dorence, michelle and so on.. it was quite enjoyable after all.. at least i knew the people there.. so i skipped from clans to clans to keep myself occupied.. haha.. played the usual.. lost in some.. but manage to survive not like last time.. went home early..

sat, sun.. working.. damn tired.. but fun at work.. lotz of weird people again.. haha..

Song intro: Xing xing zhi huo-SHE


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