Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My birthday gifts

My secret admirer[Lia] put this on my desk that morning..
A body shop lotion and soap.. Muacks.. love you..

From my beloved BF13.. 19 gifts..
1. A hand made BF tote made by Angel and Mad right?
2. A star chain
3. Colorpencils
4. 5 BF vouchers- Free K box companion, Free dining companion, tokyo drift from jack, Free dress tips, Authorization to skip class for anyone..
5. Surprise appearance from Lia and Ling
6. Fish burger birthday cake
7. Di gua (Sweet potato) from Angel right?
8. An album of thoughts and colorings done by the BF
9. A big box to put the gifts
10. A tweety bird (done by Kenny)
11. A certificate of ANYTHING awarded to me.. [hehe]
12. A chip/dale handphone stand (Actually should be my yuan yuan look alike but i like this too)
13. ZA Moisturizer (To replace the Shu Umera Moisturizer which i disallow them to get for me.. Too Ex le..)
14. Stars glitters
15. Star stickers
16. Black lingerie set from La Senza
17. Photo frame
18. Pink princess cup
19. A birthday card which came after the chalet (To end my surprises)

From my Sec clique..
A hand made board which i saw them doing when i stepped into the chalet suddenly.. [HAHA]
A miracle lancome perfume which they hid and let my find..
From my Sec clique and BF13..
They really did some liaising and got a Oreo cheesecake as my birthday cake..


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