Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Monday, February 20, 2006

Ai wu li- Kelly Pan

wed.. Er zhuo ju zhi wen.. after sch went to HMV buy kelly's album.. limited edition.. yeah.. sort of a gift from SK.. thanks.. then SK called and say her grandfather past away then need to rush back to Msia.. take care SK..

thurs.. stand in for SK's job again.. doing jobs for Mr. Fuan again.. last few days at KM still don't wanna let me rest.. sianz.. then Er zhuo ju zhi wen..

Fri.. morning carried two heavy bags of drinks to sch for the party.. i feel like dying sia.. no help at all.. should have took the cab.. marathon er zhuo ju zhi wen.. but didn't manage to finish watching.. nvm kenny promise to lend me.. haha.. halfway thru Eric drove me and von to amk with his car.. whao cool.. he own his car.. lolx.. btw thanks.. KM's party.. a bit dead compared to the others.. nvm la.. after sch went to town with von..

sat... work.. huiying and sm came to visit me.. missed kelly's autograph session.. sianz..

sun.. work.. during break rushed to celebrate cy and lm bday.. everything must be done fast.. bday song.. cut cake.. photo taking.. first outing with 8 of us all present.. but only for less than an hour.. definitely not enough.. but i had to work.. no choice.. tml first day at Bpos.. sianz.. from CRMSC to KM to Bpos Human Link Job Placement.. when can i ever slack and rest.. envy jack sia.. 3 stops all slack ones.. from ELDC to MRC then now CRMSC.. slacker life..

Song intro: Ai wu li- Kelly Pan


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