Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

I still believe- Vivian Xu and Cao Ge

Yesterday was a busy day..
Few of us gathered at my cousin house early in the morning..
She is gorgeous.. [No wonder people say girls will look at their best on their wedding day..]
Kind of doing photographing the whole day..

But it was really interesting to see how bridesmaids sabotage the groom..
Eating and drinking for different tastes- sour lime juice, sweet watermelon, bitter bitter gourd juice and spicy chili bread..
Asking him to write 5 promises and shout out to the bride..
[I promise to give you water.. I promise to give you food.. I promise to give you shelter.. I promise you will have me forever.. I promise I will love you forever]
Then it was 30 push ups and singing the bride favorite song [Forever love]..
And of course the red packets.. HAHA

And I myself got myself 2 red packets for serving tea to my biao jie and biao jie fu.. [Kind of pai sei to address them that as we usually address by names]

Then it was searching desperately for something to wear at night..

Then the dinner at OCC..
The highlight was the videos..
They actually went to film back at their secondary school in their uniforms.. [So funny]

After that went to partyworld with ah sun, ah bee and my sis..

Today I went to woodlands checkpoint with Mad..
And I brought some groceries.. haha..

Song intro: I still believe- Vivian Xu & Cao Ge


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