Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Meng xiang tian kong- Sun Yan Zi

Took mc on Thursday..
I think I am cursed to be fated with clinics and hospitals.. [Waste my money]
My expenses disallow me to breakeven further..
Money is never enough I guess..

Caught in between to say or not to say..
Say, you betray someone..
Not to say, you feel sorry for someone..
But I always choose not to say..
At least the latter is still happy with what is it now..

Anyway yesterday was a long day..
First I went to watch Rob B Hood with my parents..
I think everyone love the baby inside.. [So cute]
Then celebrated LP’s birthday.. [Had Marche and Swensens]
Then I watch World Trade Centre..

Weekends is ending soon..
My job scope will change totally from tomorrow onwards..
I think I will die.. [Haha]

Song intro: Meng xiang tian kong- Sun Yan Zi


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