Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Pei ni deng tian liang- Xu Hui Xin

We manage to stick together once again..
Great.. Though there is still a little setbacks..
But at least no one is left behind..
Timetable is out, back to 5 days week.. [Our last semester]
Gosh I am leaving student life soon.. [Sad]

I really hope to leave IPP soon..
I wonder how I can tolerate this kind of job..
Despite the probability of higher pay..

And seriously I am craving for Korean food again..
Let’s plan.. Anyone wants to join Mad and I? [HAHA]
I have the urge to learn how to cook Korean food.. [HAHA]

Anyway, I like this skin..
With all my favorites combined..
[SHE, apple green and my photos]

Song intro: Pei ni deng tian liang- Xu Hui Xin


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