Location: Yishun, Singapore

Typical Libraian who loves guides, loves to sing, loves to play...... bla bla...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Because you live- Jesse McCartney

Anybody miss me? [Crap..]
Having too much crazy cells lately..
[My KU XIAO BU DE sister should know best..]
But I am having fun [myself]..
Living my days to the fullest..
[I still owe Mad and Qiang a forfeit each.. Shoot..]

How is my new skin everyone?
I think it is simple, nice.. [My favorite is the photo on top..]
Best amongst the rest.. [Oops]

The tests that I got back, the results just sucks..
The worse was the insurance..
The most disappointing is the CAPM..
3 tests coming up next week..
Meeting my doom..
Need to start mugging because I will not be free on Thursday to Saturday..
[Anybody want to save me in insurance?]
My time management just suck..
And I am broke..

Two weeks breaks coming up..
[But it will be filled with projects, work and maybe a little celebrations and fun..]
Looking forward to it..

Song intro: Because you live- Jesse McCartney


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